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True Letters from a Fictional Life

If you asked anyone in his small Vermont town, they'd tell you the facts: James Liddell, star athlete, decent student and sort-of boyfriend to cute, peppy Theresa, is a happy, funny, carefree guy.

But whenever James sits down at his desk to write, he tells a different story. As he fills his drawers with letters to the people in his world -- letters he never intends to send -- he spills the truth: he’s trying hard, but he just isn’t into Theresa. It’s a boy who lingers in his thoughts.

He feels trapped by his parents, his teammates, and the lies they've helped him tell, and he has no idea how to escape. Is he destined to live a life of fiction?


I really loved this book. I didn't think I'd like it when I started it but by the time I finished, I wanted to stand up and CHEER for this book! Very well written, very well done and not full of teen-angst as the protagonist struggles through understanding his dilemma and how to come to terms acceptable to him. This book isn't about extraordinary people, it's better than that: it's about real life. It's about a boy - James- who happens to like other boys. It's about James trying to figure out what it means to be gay in our society, how to come out to his friends and family without them hating him, but also accepting that it's okay if everybody isn't okay with that. A book about friends, family and forgiveness. I would highly recommend this book. Favorite quotes: “He could either be who everyone wanted him to be—and be miserable—or he could just ignore people who hated him, be himself, and be happy.” “Why didn’t you say something?” The front legs of my chair banged onto the kitchen floor. “I just did,” I said, much more loudly than I’d meant to. My mother’s head snapped up, and I thought she might scream at me. “I just did,” I repeated more quietly. “And I don’t know what else you want me to say. Look at my eye. This is why I didn’t say anything to anyone. People find out and this happens and you guys look like you don’t want me for a son.” Somehow I was managing to speak coherently while tears poured down my face.”

Heidi Y.


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