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The Magic Tree House series

Adventure? Check.

Learning? Check.

Magic time traveling tree house? Check!

Yes, you read that right, siblings Jack and Annie find a treehouse that takes them through time and space, everywhere from the time of the dinosaurs to the first man on the moon, and beyond.

There's a wealth of knowledge to gain from the Magic Tree House. Opening a book and telling it you want to go there will cause the tree house to spin and grant your wish.

But the learning opportunity doesn't overshadow the adventure and magic of the series. There's even an element of mystery, as Jack and Annie have to figure out who exactly is guiding them on their journeys.

The first book, Dinosaurs Before Dark, was published in 1992, and there are new books released every year, which brings the current total to thirty four. So the Magic Tree House books are perfect for diligent readers. Another positive aspect is how children find a sense of accomplishment and pride at having read through a series.

There are even companion books, "Fact Tracker" guides where Jack, who loves to take notes and Annie, the risk taker of the two, explore each book topic in more depth.

The official recommendation is 2nd through 5th grade readers, but since every child is different, you may find that someone below or above those grades will find joy in the series.

There's also a spinoff series called "Merlin Missions" which are longer and for more advanced readers. This series has twenty seven books.

Amber N.


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