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The 5th Wave

-Rick Yancey

After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one.

Now, it's the dawn of the 5th wave, and on a lonely stretch of highway, Cassie runs from Them. The beings who only look human, who roam the countryside killing anyone they see. Who have scattered Earth's last survivors. To stay alone is to stay alive, Cassie believes, until she meets Evan Walker. Beguiling and mysterious, Evan Walker may be Cassie's only hope for rescuing her brother-or even saving herself. But Cassie must choose: between trust and despair, between defiance and surrender, between life and death. To give up or to get up.


A film was made of this book and I thought it was well done and followed the book faithfully. I enjoyed this alien-invasion-apocalypse story and went on to read the rest of the trilogy.

“If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans.” - Stephen Hawking

Favorite quotes from the book: Maybe the last human being on Earth won’t die of starvation or exposure or as a meal for wild animals.

Maybe the last one to die will be killed by the last one alive.”


“I don’t cry for myself. I cry for the Cassie that’s gone. And I wonder what that Cassie would think of me? The Cassie who kills.”

I liked the author’s writing style and character development. I felt the lead characters were fantastic. They drew me in and I felt as if I was there, experiencing everything as they did. The story was full of twists and fast-paced so it made for an exciting read.

Heidi Y.


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